Tuesday, April 1, 2025
Medical Plants Research Center
Introducing the center:
1- History:
The Medical Plants Research Center of SKUMS was established in 2007 to focus on medicinal plants and the products derived from them in National Partner of Iran. In 2008, a fundamental agreement with the establishment of the research center was achieved at the Council for the Development of Medical Universities, and the agreement was finally approved in May, 2013.
The center has laboratories of phytochemistry, neuroscience, virology, drug development, electrophysiology and animal house. The center seeks to develop and apply human knowledge, to conduct basic epidemiological and clinical research, to compile and classify relevant documents, articles and evidence and publish them, to train, encourage, and hire motivated researchers, to invite relevant research centers in the country to implement collaborative research projects and to cooperate with research and educational centers abroad and international organizations.
Climate diversity in Iran has led to the growth of a wide variety of plants with varied medicinal properties. The temperate mountainous climate of Chaharmahal and Bakhtiari and the relatively good precipitation have also resulted in the growth of many endemic medicinal plants in the province. These have culminated in continuous research on medicinal plants by the Medical Plants Research Center.
2- Visions:
The three main goals of the Medical Plants Research Center are
  • Quantitative and qualitative improvement of research on medicinal plants
  • Making medical sciences-related research on medicinal plants purposeful
  • Creating organizational and logistics structures and upgrading its capabilities
3- Perspective:
The research center aims to efficiently utilize the actual and potential capabilities of the SKUMS and the country in the field of medicinal plants to improve the scientific-research level of both and ultimately to promote community health
This center intends to be one of the leading research centers on medicinal plants within the next 5 years
4- Mission:
  • Accelerating the promotion of scientific, research and technological levels of SKUMS
  • Improving the quantitative and qualitative levels of medical sciences-related research on medicinal plants
  • Making research on medicinal plants purposeful
  • Establishing communication and promoting the level of cooperation with domestic and foreign researchers and research centers.
5- Equipment:
Research priorities:
A) Pharmacological and therapeutic effects of medicinal plants:
  • Laboratory and animal models:
1) Antidiabetic effects of medicinal plants
2)  Antihyperlipidemic effects of medicinal plants
3) The effects of medicinal plants on different muscles contraction
4) Antidepressant effects of medicinal plants
5) Anti-anxiety effects of medicinal plants
6) The effects of medicinal plants on memory and learning
7) Analgesic effects of medicinal plants
8) The effects of medicinal plants on addiction withdrawal syndrome
9) Neuroprotective effects of medicinal plants
10) Anticonvulsant effects of medicinal plants
11) The effects of medicinal plants on pregnancy and fetal abnormalities
12) Effects of medicinal plants on kidney stones
13) The effects of medicinal plants on prostate hyperplasia
14) The effects of medicinal plants on burn wounds
15) The effects of medicinal plants on different cancer cell lines
  • Clinical trial studies of prevention and therapeutic effects of medicinal plants and natural compounds:
1) Antidiabetic effects of medicinal plants and natural compounds
2) Antihyperlipidemic effects of medicinal plants and natural compounds
3) Antidepressant effects of medicinal plants and natural compounds
4) Anti-anxiety effects of medicinal plants and natural compounds
5) Effects of medicinal plants on memory and learning and natural compounds
6) Analgesic effects of medicinal plants and natural compounds
7)  The effects of medicinal plants and natural compounds on addiction withdrawal syndrome
8) Neuroprotective effects of medicinal plants
9) The effects of medicinal plants and natural compounds on kidney stones
10) The effects of herbs and natural compounds on prostate hyperplasia
11) The effects of medicinal plants and natural compounds on skin cracks in pregnancy
12) Protective effects of medicinal plants and natural compounds in reducing the side effects of drugs
13) The effects of medicinal plants and natural compounds on vaginal infections
14) Effects of medicinal plants and natural compounds on dental caries
B) Teratological and toxic effects of medicinal plants:
1) Effects of medicinal plants on pregnancy and fetal abnormalities
2) The effects of acute and chronic toxicity on all organs and tissues
3) Determining the pattern of allergic reactions
C) Standardization and determination of medicinal plant s’ compounds:
1) Determination of chemical composition of plant essential oils
2) Determination of total plants’ total phenolic and total flavonoid contents
3) Determining the antioxidant activity of plants
4) Determination of plants’ total anthocyanin content
5) Determination of plants’ total saponin content
6) Determination of plants’ total mucilage content
7) Determining the amount and standardization of flavonoids in plants and plant-derived products
8) Determining the amount and standardization of alkaloids in plants and plant-derived products
9) Isolation and determination of molecular structure of plant flavonoids
10) Isolation and determination of molecular structure of plant alkaloids
11) Isolation and determination of molecular structure of plant saponins
Medical Plants Research Center has published 749 articles indexed in Scopus, has a total of 16,372 citations and has obtained an H-index of 67 until May 26, 2021. As well, 11% of the articles have international co-authorship.
First name and Last name: Dr. Zahra Lori Gooini
Degree of Education: Associate Professor of Pharmacognosy
Department: Medical Plants Research Center
CV: Scientometrics System
Email: [gueini.z@skums.ac.ir]
Contact information:
Address: Medical Plants Research Center, Shahrekord University of Medical Sciences
Tel: +98-38-33346692
Fax: +98-38-33330709
E-mail: -
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